transfer function base class
#include <Unidraw/transfn.h>
A transfer function defines relationships between state variables. A
component uses a transfer function to enforce dependencies between its
state variables during dataflow. State variables whose values change
as a result of data flowing into the component can thus affect the
component's dependent state variables as defined by its transfer
function. A transfer function can define dependencies between any
number of state variables, but a component can define only one
transfer function.
- virtual void Evaluate(Path* = nil)
Enforce the transfer function's dependencies between its state
variables, optionally depending on the information in a path. This
operation does nothing by default.
- virtual TransferFunct* Copy()
Return a copy of the transfer function. Subclasses redefine this
operation to return an instance of their type.
- virtual void Read(istream&)
- virtual void Write(ostream&)
Read and write the transfer function's contents to a stream to support
catalog operations. Read and write typically call first the
corresponding operations defined by their parent class, and then they
read or write their class-specific state.
- virtual ClassId GetClassId()
- virtual boolean IsA(ClassId)
GetClassId returns the unique class identifier for the TransferFunct
subclass, while IsA returns whether the instance is of a class or
subclass corresponding to the given identifier. IsA typically checks
the given identifier against the instance's own (as defined by its
GetClassId operation) and, failing that, calls its parent classes' IsA
operation. All subclasses must redefine GetClassId and IsA to ensure
that their identifiers are unique and that instances are written and
read properly.
- TransferFunct()
The constructor is protected to prevent instantiation.
- virtual Connector* GetBinding(StateVar*)
Return the connector to which a state variable is bound.