um_mov_service(1) change the position of a service module of umview


um_mov_service [-p # ] [-c hex ] newposition


This command changes the position of a service module of umview within the umview service chain. It is possible to specify the service either by its position or by its signature (an hex number): exactly only one option between -c and -p must be specified. The position and signature of a service module can be obtained by the command um_ls_module
The module is moved to the new position specified in the command.


-p #
specify the old position of the module to be moved in the chain of modules.
-c hex
specify the signature (hex number) of the module to be moved.


View-OS is a project of the Computer Science Department, University of Bologna. Project Leader: Renzo Davoli.

Howto's and further information can be found on the project wiki <>.