xml2rfc(1) format RFCs using XML markup


xml2rfc ,SOURCE /[,OPTIONS/] ...


Example: xml2rfc draft.xml -o Draft-1.0 --text --html


-h, --help
show this help message and exit
Any or all of the following output formats may be specified. The default is --text. The destination filename will be based on the input filename, unless an argument is given to --basename.
outputs to a text file with proper page breaks
outputs to an html file
outputs to an nroff file
outputs to a text file, unpaginated
outputs to an XML file with all references expanded
Plain Options:
-C, --clear-cache
purge the cache and exit
-n, --no-dtd
disable DTD validation step
-N, --no-network
don't use the network to resolve references
-q, --quiet
dont print anything
-v, --verbose
print extra information
-V, --version
display the version number and exit
Other Options:
-b NAME, --basename=,NAME/
specify the base name for output files
-c CACHE, --cache=,CACHE/
specify an alternate cache directory to write to
-d DTD, --dtd=,DTD/
specify an alternate dtd file
-D DATE, --date=,DATE/
run as if thedate is DATE (format: yyyy-mm-dd)
-f FILE, --filename=,FILE/
Deprecated. The same as -o.
-o FILE, --out=,FILE/
specify an explicit output filename
Format Options:
Some formats accept additional format-specific options
with --text: calculate page breaks, and emit form feeds and page top spacing, but omit headers and footers from the paginated format