XML::Compile::SOAP::Server is extended by XML::Compile::SOAP11::Server XML::Compile::SOAP12::Server
# used by distribution XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon
my $soap = XML::Compile::SOAP11::Server->new;
my $input = $soap->compileMessage('RECEIVER', ...);
my $output = $soap->compileMessage('SENDER', ...);
( name => $name, input => $input, output => $output
, callback => \$my_handler
my $daemon = XML::Compile::SOAP::HTTPDaemon->new(...);
$daemon->addHandler($type => $daemon);
This class defines methods that each server for the SOAP message exchange protocols must implement.METHODS
This object can not be instantiated, but is only used as secundary base class. The primary must contain the "new".- XML::Compile::SOAP::Server->new(%options)
-Option--Default role 'NEXT'
- role => URI
In SOAP1.1, the term is 'actor', but SOAP1.2 has renamed this into
'role': the role [this daemon] plays in the transport protocol.
Please use the role abbreviations as provided by the protocol implementations when possible: they will be translated into the right URI on time. See XML::Compile::SOAP::roleAbbreviation() and the constants defined in XML::Compile::SOAP::Util
- $obj->role()
- Returns the URI of the role (actor) of this server.
- $obj->compileFilter(%options)
This routine returns a CODE reference which can be used for
compileHandler(selector); so see whether a certain message has arrived.
On the moment, only the first "body" element is used to determine that.
-Option--Default body [] fault <undef> header <undef>
- body => ARRAY-of-TYPES
- fault => ARRAY-of-TYPES
- header => ARRAY-of-TYPES
- $obj->compileHandler(%options)
Returns an HTTP status code and an XML::LibXML::Document pair.
-Option --Default callback <fault: not implemented> decode <undef> encode <undef> name <required> selector sub {0}
- callback => CODE
- As input, the SERVER object and the translated input message (Perl version) are passed in. As output, a suitable output structure must be produced. If the callback is not set, then a fault message will be returned to the user.
- decode => CODE
- The CODE reference is used to decode the (parsed) XML input message into the pure Perl request. The reference is a READER, created with XML::Compile::Schema::compile(). If no input decoder is specified, then the callback handler will be called with the un-decoded XML::LibXML::Document node.
- encode => CODE
- The CODE reference is used to encode the Perl answer structure into the output message. The reference is a WRITER. created with XML::Compile::Schema::compile(). If no output encoder is specified, then the callback must return an XML::LibXML::Document, or only produce error messages.
- name => STRING
The identification for this action, for instance used for logging. When
the action is created via a WSDL, the portname will be used here.
It is a pity that the portname is not passed in the SOAP message, because it is not so easy to detect which handler must be called.
- selector => CODE
One way or the other, you have to figure-out whether a message addresses
a certain process. The callback will only be used if the CODE reference
specified here returns a true value.
The CODE reference will be called with the XML version of the message, and a HASH which contains the information about the XML collected with XML::Compile::SOAP::messageStructure() plus the "soap_version" entry.
- XML::Compile::SOAP::Server->faultWriter()
- Returns a CODE reference which can be used to produce faults.
Copyrights 2007-2016 by [Mark Overmeer]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See