config-edit-sshd(1) Edit data of /etc/ssh/sshd_config


# most users will want to run
config-edit-sshd [options] [ commands ... ]
# if you don't have a X server
config-edit-sshd -ui curses [options] [ commands ... ]
# if you don't like curses
config-edit-sshd -ui shell [options] [ commands ... ]
# if you are a sys admin
config-edit-sshd -ui none [options] commands ...
# example:
config-edit-sshd -ui none AllowUsers=foo,bar,baz
cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config


This program will edit the configuration data contained in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

You can specify commands as arguments that will be run on the configuration root before launching the UI. These command follow the syntax defined in Config::Model::Loader.


Specify the user interface type.
  • "tk": provides a Tk graphical interface (If Config::Model::TkUI is installed).
  • "curses": provides a curses user interface (If Config::Model::CursesUI is installed).
  • "shell": provides a shell like interface. See Config::Model::TermUI for details.
  • "none": No UI provided. Only command line arguments are handled.
Specify a root directory to read or write the configuration files. / by default so /etc/ssh/sshd_config is used.
Be (very) verbose
Provide debug infos.
Provides a full stack trace when exiting on error.
Load file even if error are found in data. Bad data are discarded
Read/Write backend to use. Currently 2 backends are possible:
  • "custom" backend. Supported, but this backend will discard all comments in sshd_config
  • "augeas": Will keep comments. Requires Config::Model::Backend::Augeas.


Original structure and comments of /etc/sshd/config are lost during edition if Config::Model::Backend::Augeas and its dependencies are not installed.


Augeas backend will probably fail with "sshd" Match blocks.


For support, please check the following ressources:


Dominique Dumont, ddumont at cpan dot org