Catmandu::Exporter::Atom(3) an Atom exporter


use Catmandu::Exporter::Atom;
my $blog_args = {
id => "urn:uuid:60a76c80-d399-11d9-b91C-0003939e0af6" ,
title => "My Blog" ,
subtitle => "testing 1.2.3" ,
icon => "" ,
generator => "Catmandu::Exporter::Atom" ,
rights => "Beer license",
link => [
'type' => 'text/html' ,
'rel' => 'alternate' ,
'href' => '' ,
author => [
'name' => 'Daffy' ,
'email' => '[email protected]' ,
] ,
contributor => [
'name' => 'Bugs' ,
'email' => '[email protected]'
ns => {
'dc' => '',
'dc:source' => 'test',

my $exporter = Catmandu::Exporter::Atom->new(%$blog_args);
$exporter->add_many(sub { });

'title' => 'My Little Pony' ,
'subtitle' => 'Data testing for you and me' ,
'content' => "sdsadas" ,
'summary' => 'Brol 123' ,
'id' => '1291821827128172817' ,
'author' => {
'name' => 'John Doe' ,
'email' => '[email protected]' ,
} ,
'contributor' => {
'name' => 'Rabbit, R' ,
'email' => '[email protected]' ,
'homepage' => '' ,
} ,
'link' => [
'type' => 'text/html' ,
'rel' => 'alternate' ,
'href' => '' ,
'title' => 'Test test' ,
'length' => '1231' ,
'hreflang' => 'eng' ,
} ,
'type' => 'text/html' ,
'rel' => 'alternate' ,
'href' => '' ,
] ,
'category' => [
'scheme' => 'http://localhost:8080/roller/adminblog' ,
'term' => 'Music',
] ,
'rights' => 'Yadadada',
'dc:subject' => 'Toyz',
printf "exported %d objects\n" , $exporter->count;

Add one object

    use Catmandu::Exporter::Atom;
    my $exporter = Catmandu::Exporter::Atom->new();
    print $exporter->add($hashref);

Add many objects to exporter

    use Catmandu::Exporter::Atom;
    my $exporter = Catmandu::Exporter::Atom->new();
    print $exporter->add_many($arrayref);

Add many objects from an iterator

    use Catmandu::Exporter::Atom;
    my $exporter = Catmandu::Exporter::Atom->new();
    my $iterator = Catmandu::Importer::

Fix your data while exporting the data

    use Catmandu::Exporter::Atom;
    my $exporter = Catmandu::Exporter::Atom->new(fix => 'fix.txt');
    # where fix.txt looks for example:
    # add_field()
    # delete
    # mv
    print $exporter->add($data);