Coat::Persistent::Object(3) root object for Coat::Persistent models


This class is meant to be a default root object for Coat::Persistent models. It provides through inheritance default attributes (that must exist in the underlying table) and default hooks and methods.


You just have to make your models inherit from Coat::Persistent::Object like the following :

    package MyModel;
    use Coat;
    use Coat::Persistent;
    extends 'Coat::Persistent::Object';


Any model that inherits from this class must wrap a table that owns the following fields:
created_at : a 'DateTime' field that contains the date when the entry was inserted in the database (automatically updated). This attribute is stored as a DateTime entry and is returned as a Class::Date object.
updated_at : a 'DateTime' field that contains the date when the entry was last updated.This attribute is stored as a DateTime entry and is returned as a Class::Date object.



This module has been written by Alexis Sukrieh <[email protected]>