confdb_key_iter(3) Iterate through key/value pairs in the Configuration Database


#include <corosync/confdb.h>

confdb_error_t confdb_key_iter_start(confdb_handle_t handle, unsigned int parent_object_handle );

confdb_error_t confdb_key_iter(confdb_handle_t handle, unsigned int parent_object_handle, void *key_name, int *key_name_len, void *value, int *value_len );


The confdb_key_iter function repeatedly returns all key/value pairs that are subobjects of the specified parent. You must call confdb_key_iter_start first. This establishes a context for the parent object so that it knows where you are in the list. Then the next call to confdb_key_iter will return the first key/value in the list. Subsequent calls will return any remaining keys. The function returns CONFDB_ERR_ACCESS when the all of the matching keys have been seen. The library holds a seperate context for each parent object, so you can call confdb_key_iter() on several parent objects at the same time and they will not interfere. Nor will they interfere with confdb_object_find or confdb_object_iter calls on the same parent object.


This call returns the CONFDB_OK value if successful, otherwise an error is returned.


The errors are undocumented.