Eliom_content_core.Xml(3) no description


Module Eliom_content_core.Xml


Module Xml
 :  sig end

type uri = string

val uri_of_string : uri -> string

val string_of_uri : string -> uri

val uri_of_fun : (unit -> string) -> uri

type aname = string

type attrib

type #Dom_html.event caml_event_handler =
 | CE_registered_closure of string * ((#Dom_html.event as 'a) Js.t -> unit) Eliom_lib.client_expr
 | CE_client_closure of ('a Js.t -> unit)
 | CE_call_service of ([ `A | `Form_get | `Form_post ] * (bool * string list) option * string option) option Eliom_lazy.request

type event_handler =
 | Raw of string
 | Caml of Dom_html.event caml_event_handler

type ename = string

type elt

type econtent = private
 | Empty
 | Comment of string
 | EncodedPCDATA of string
 | PCDATA of string
 | Entity of string
 | Leaf of ename * attrib list
 | Node of ename * attrib list * elt list