[command |] gpaste [options...]
GPaste is a modular clipboard management system with a fully DBus-based daemon, a CLI client and a gtk+ tray icon.
- gpaste [history]
Display the history with indexes
- gpaste history-size
Display this size of the history
- gpaste oneline-history
Display the history without newlines
- gpaste raw-history
Display the history (raw) without indexes
- gpaste backup-history
Backup the current history
- gpaste switch-history
Switch to another history
- gpaste delete-history
Delete a history
- gpaste list-histories
List available histories
- gpaste zero-history
Display the history with NUL as separator
- gpaste add <text>
Add the text into the history
- gpaste add-password <name> <password>
Add the name - password couple to the history
- gpaste delete-password <name>
Delete the password <name>
- gpaste set-password <number> <name>
Mark the <number>th item of the history as being a password named <name>
- gpaste rename-password <old name> <new name>
Rename the password
- gpaste get <number>
Get the <number>th item from the history
- gpaste get-raw <number>
Get the <number>th item from the history (raw)
- gpaste select <number>
Put the <number>th item of the history into the clipboard
- gpaste delete <number>
Delete the <number>th item of the history
- gpaste file <path>
Put the content of the file at <path> into the clipboard
- command | gpaste
Put the output of the command into the history
- gpaste empty
Empty the history
- gpaste start
Start tracking clipboard changes
- gpaste stop
Stop tracking clipboard changes
- gpaste daemon-reexec
Reexecute the daemon, for example after upgrading GPaste
- gpaste settings
Launch the configuration tool
- gpaste version
Display the version
- gpaste daemon-version
Display the daemon version
- gpaste help
Display the help
- gpaste about
Display the about dialog
- gpaste show-history
Make the applet or extension display the history