gpglist(1) show who signed which of your UIDs


gpglist [--show-revoked] keyid


gpglist takes a keyid and creates a listing showing who signed keyid's user IDs.

        $ gpglist 6D8ABE71
        +-----  1 Christoph Berg <[email protected]>
        |  +--  2 Christoph Berg <[email protected]>
        1  2  
        x     7929AB90F7AC3AF0 Martin Helas <[email protected]>
        x  x  29BE5D2268FD549F Martin Michlmayr <[email protected]>
           x  7DDB2B8DB4B462C5 Martin Wanke <[email protected]>

By default only non-revoked identities are listed, but it can be overridden it with --show-revoked.

The path to the gpg binary can be specified with the GNUPGBIN environment variable (default: "gpg").


Uli Martens <[email protected]>
Peter Palfrader <[email protected]>