im_remainder(3) remainder after integer division

Other Alias

im_remainderconst, im_remainderconst_vec


#include <vips/vips.h>

int im_remainder( IMAGE *in1, IMAGE *in2, IMAGE *out )

int im_remainderconst( IMAGE *in, IMAGE *out, double c )

int im_remainderconst_vec( IMAGE *in, IMAGE *out, int n, double *c )


im_remainder(3) calculates the remainder after integer division of two images. The output type is the same as the type of in1 unless in1 is float or complex, in which case the output type is signed integer.

im_remainderconst(3) calculates the remainder after integer division of in by the constant c. The output type is the same as the type of in unless in is float or complex, in which case the output type is signed integer.

im_remainderconst_vec(3) works as im_remainderconst(3), but lets you specify a constant per band.


All functions return 0 on success and -1 on error.


National Gallery, 2002