Net::EPP::Frame::Greeting(3) an instance of Net::EPP::Frame for server greetings


This module is a subclass of Net::EPP::Frame that represents EPP server greetings.

According to the EPP RFC, the server must transmit an EPP greeting frame to the client upon connection, and in response to an EPP "<hello>" command. The "<greeting>" frame provides information about the server, including the server time, access control rules, and a list of the object types that are provisioned by the server.




        my $node = $frame->greeting;

This method returns the XML::LibXML::Element object corresponding to the "<greeting>" element.

        my $node = $frame->svID;

This method returns the XML::LibXML::Element object corresponding to the "<svID>" element.

        my $node = $frame->svDate;

This method returns the XML::LibXML::Element object corresponding to the "<svDate>" element.

        my $node = $frame->svcMenu;

This method returns the XML::LibXML::Element object corresponding to the "<svcMenu>" element.

        my $node = $frame->dcp;

This method returns the XML::LibXML::Element object corresponding to the "<dcp>" element.


CentralNic Ltd (


This module is (c) 2016 CentralNic Ltd. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.