Net::EPP::Frame::Response(3) an instance of Net::EPP::Frame for server responses


This module is a subclass of Net::EPP::Frame that represents EPP server responses.

Responses are sent back to clients when the server receives a "<command>" frame.




        my $node = $frame->response;

This method returns the XML::LibXML::Element object corresponding to the "<command>" element.

        my $node = $frame->result;

This method returns the XML::LibXML::Element object corresponding to the "<result>" element.

        my $node = $frame->msg;

This method returns the XML::LibXML::Element object corresponding to the "<msg>" element.

        my $node = $frame->resData;

This method returns the XML::LibXML::Element object corresponding to the "<resData>" element.

        my $node = $frame->trID;

This method returns the XML::LibXML::Element object corresponding to the "<trID>" element.

        my $node = $frame->clTRID;

This method returns the XML::LibXML::Element object corresponding to the "<clTRID>" element.

        my $node = $frame->svTRID;

This method returns the XML::LibXML::Element object corresponding to the "<svTRID>" element.

        my $msg = $frame->code;

This method returns the code attribute of the "<result>" element.

        my $msg = $frame->msg;

This method returns a string containing the text content of the "<msg>" element.


CentralNic Ltd (


This module is (c) 2016 CentralNic Ltd. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.