pair_set(7) a set of (index,value) pair (rheolef-6.7)


A class for: l = {(0,3.3),...(7,8.2)} i.e. a wrapper for STL map<size_t,T> with some assignment operators, such as l1 += l2. This class is suitable for use with the disarray<T> class, as disarray<pair_set> (see disarray(2)).


template <T,A> with A=std::allocator or heap_allocator


template<class T, class A = std::allocator<std::pair<std::size_t,T> > >
class pair_set: public std::map<std::size_t, T, std::less<std::size_t>, A> {
// typedefs:
  typedef std::size_t                    size_type;
  typedef std::pair<size_type,T>         pair_type;
  typedef std::pair<const size_type,T>   const_pair_type;
  typedef pair_type                      value_type;
  typedef A                              allocator_type;
  typedef std::map<size_type, T, std::less<size_type>, allocator_type>
  typedef typename base::iterator        iterator;
  typedef typename base::const_iterator  const_iterator;
// allocators:
  pair_set (const A& alloc = A());
  pair_set (const pair_set<T,A>& x, const A& alloc = A());
  pair_set<T,A>& operator= (const pair_set<T,A>& x);
  void clear ();
// basic algebra: semantic of a sparse vector
  pair_set<T,A>& operator+= (const pair_type&     x); // c := a union {x}
  template<class B>
  pair_set<T,A>& operator+= (const pair_set<T,B>& b); // c := a union b
// boost mpi:
  template <class Archive>
  void serialize (Archive& ar, const unsigned int version);
// io:
template <class T, class A>
std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& is,       pair_set<T,A>& a);
template <class T, class A>
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const pair_set<T,A>& b);