Gem (Graphics Environment for Multimedia) is a library to be used with Miller Puckette's Max-like realtime-computermusic-software "Pure Data" (Pd), which allows one to draw and control openGL- and pixel-graphics (like video) in realtime from within pd.This script starts Pd with Gem enabled. All arguments passed to it, will be forwarded to Pd. To get a list of allowable arguments to Pd (pd-gem), type
- pd-gem -help
and for more documentation either start pd-gem and get help, or consult
Gem is covered by the GNU General Public License (GPL).HOMEPAGE
Gem homepage: http://gem.iem.atAUTHOR
IOhannes m zmoelnig <[email protected]> et al.The manpage was written by IOhannes m zmoelnig <[email protected]> for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).