calculate basic statistics from raster dataset
pkstat is utility to calculate basic statistics from
a raster dataset.
- -i filename, --input filename
name of the input raster dataset
- -b band, --band band
band(s) on which to calculate statistics
- -f, --filename
Shows image filename
- -stats, --statistics
Shows basic statistics
(calculate in memory)
(min,max, mean and stdDev of the raster datasets)
- -fstats, --fstatistics
Shows basic statistics using GDAL computeStatistics
(min,max, mean and stdDev of the raster datasets)
- -ulx value, --ulx value
Upper left x value bounding box
- -uly value, --uly value
Upper left y value bounding box
- -lrx value, --lrx value
Lower right x value bounding box
- -lry value, --lry value
Lower right y value bounding box
- -nodata value, --nodata value
Set nodata value(s)
- -down value, --down value
Down sampling factor (for raster sample datasets only).
Can be used to create grid points.
- -rnd number, --rnd number
generate random numbers
- -mean, --mean
calculate mean
- -median, --median
calculate median
- -var, --var
calculate variance
- -skew, --skewness
calculate skewness
- -kurt, --kurtosis
calculate kurtosis
- -stdev, --stdev
calculate standard deviation
- -sum, --sum
calculate sum of column
- -mm, --minmax
calculate minimum and maximum value
- -min, --min
calculate minimum value
- -max, --max
calculate maximum value
- -src_min value, --src_min value
start reading source from this minimum value
- -src_max value, --src_max value
stop reading source from this maximum value
- -hist, --hist
calculate histogram
- -hist2d, --hist2d
- -nbin value, --nbin value
number of bins to calculate histogram
- -rel, --relative
use percentiles for histogram to calculate histogram
- -kde, --kde
Use Kernel density estimation when producing histogram.
The standard deviation is estimated based on Silverman's rule of thumb.
- -cor, --correlation
calculate Pearson produc-moment correlation coefficient between
two raster datasets (defined by
-c col1
-c col2)
- -rmse, --rmse
calculate root mean square error between two raster datasets
- -reg, --regression
calculate linear regression between two raster datasets and get
correlation coefficient
- -regerr, --regerr
calculate linear regression between two raster datasets and get
root mean square error
- -preg, --preg
calculate perpendicular regression between two raster datasets and
get correlation coefficient
- -pregerr, --pregerr
calculate perpendicular regression between two raster datasets and
get root mean square error
- -v level, --verbose level
verbose mode when positive