#include <qsqlindex.h>Inherits QSqlRecord.
Public Members
QSqlIndex ( const QString & cursorname = QString::null, const QString & name = QString::null )
QSqlIndex ( const QSqlIndex & other )
~QSqlIndex ()
QSqlIndex & operator= ( const QSqlIndex & other )
virtual void setCursorName ( const QString & cursorName )
QString cursorName () const
virtual void setName ( const QString & name )
QString name () const
virtual void append ( const QSqlField & field )
virtual void append ( const QSqlField & field, bool desc )
bool isDescending ( int i ) const
virtual void setDescending ( int i, bool desc )
Static Public Members
QSqlIndex fromStringList ( const QStringList & l, const QSqlCursor * cursor )
The QSqlIndex class provides functions to manipulate and describe QSqlCursor and QSqlDatabase indexes.This class is used to describe and manipulate QSqlCursor and QSqlDatabase indexes. An index refers to a single table or view in a database. Information about the fields that comprise the index can be used to generate SQL statements, or to affect the behavior of a QSqlCursor object.
Normally, QSqlIndex objects are created by QSqlDatabase or QSqlCursor.
See also Database Classes.
QSqlIndex::QSqlIndex ( const QString & cursorname = QString::null, const QString & name = QString::null )
Constructs an empty index using the cursor name cursorname and index name name.QSqlIndex::QSqlIndex ( const QSqlIndex & other )
Constructs a copy of other.QSqlIndex::~QSqlIndex ()
Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources.void QSqlIndex::append ( const QSqlField & field ) [virtual]
Appends the field field to the list of indexed fields. The field is appended with an ascending sort order.Reimplemented from QSqlRecord.
void QSqlIndex::append ( const QSqlField & field, bool desc ) [virtual]
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.Appends the field field to the list of indexed fields. The field is appended with an ascending sort order, unless desc is TRUE.
QString QSqlIndex::cursorName () const
Returns the name of the cursor which the index is associated with.QSqlIndex QSqlIndex::fromStringList ( const QStringList & l, const QSqlCursor * cursor ) [static]
Returns an index based on the field descriptions in l and the cursor cursor. The field descriptions should be in the same format that toStringList() produces, for example, a surname field in the people table might be in one of these forms: "surname"," surname DESC" or "people.surname ASC".See also toStringList().
bool QSqlIndex::isDescending ( int i ) const
Returns TRUE if field i in the index is sorted in descending order; otherwise returns FALSE.QString QSqlIndex::name () const
Returns the name of the index.QSqlIndex & QSqlIndex::operator= ( const QSqlIndex & other )
Sets the index equal to other.void QSqlIndex::setCursorName ( const QString & cursorName ) [virtual]
Sets the name of the cursor that the index is associated with to cursorName.void QSqlIndex::setDescending ( int i, bool desc ) [virtual]
If desc is TRUE, field i is sorted in descending order. Otherwise, field i is sorted in ascending order (the default). If the field does not exist, nothing happens.void QSqlIndex::setName ( const QString & name ) [virtual]
Sets the name of the index to name.
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