scitools command [OPTIONS]
The scitools script takes a command and runs a corresponding utility. The available commands are listed below.
- file2interactive
Utility for taking a set of Python statements in a file and creating the
corresponding interactive Python shell session.
- floatdiff
Script for examining differences in regression tests involving
floating-point numbers. Used in [1].
- regression
Simple front-end script to SciTools' Regression module. Used in [1].
- ps2mpeg
Utility for turning a set of PostScript files into an MPEG movie, using
mpeg_encode or ppmtompeg.
- profiler
Script for simplifying the execution of Python's profiling tools. Used
in [1].
- rename
Script for renaming a set of files by substituting one string or regular
expression with another.
- subst
Script for subsituting a phrase by another in a set of files. Accepts
regular expressions. Treated in [1].
- replace
Script for subsituting a phrase by another in a set of files. Does not
use regular expressions, just plain text (well suited for substituting
text with much use of backslashes, curly braces, and other special
characters in regular expressions (e.g., LaTeX text).
- movie
Script for creating a movie file from a sequence of image files
(frames). By default an HTML file for displaying the image (PNG) files
are made.
- pyreport
Processes a Python script and pretty prints the results using LateX. If
the script uses show() commands (from scitools.easyviz) they are caught
by pyreport and the resulting graphs are inserted in the output
pdf. Comments lines starting with "#!" are interpreted as rst lines and
pretty printed accordingly in the pdf.
- [1] H. P. Langtangen: Python Scripting for Computational Science. Third
edition, second printing. Springer, 2009.
- -h, --help
Show usage for all commands and exit.
- Send comments, questions, bug reports etc. to [email protected].
SciTools is licensed under the new BSD license.
SciTools is written by Hans Petter Langtangen <[email protected]>, Johannes Ring <[email protected]>, Ilmar Wilbers <[email protected]>, and Rolv E. Bredesen <[email protected]>. This manual page is written by Johannes Ring <[email protected]>.