std::experimental::propagate_const< _Tp >(3) Const-propagating wrapper.


Public Types

typedef remove_reference_t< decltype(*declval< _Tp & >))> element_type

Public Member Functions

propagate_const (const propagate_const &__p)=delete

constexpr propagate_const (propagate_const &&__p)=default

template<typename _Up , typename enable_if< __and_< is_constructible< _Tp, _Up && >, is_convertible< _Up &&, _Tp >>::value, bool >::type = true> constexpr propagate_const (propagate_const< _Up > &&__pu)

template<typename _Up , typename enable_if< __and_< is_constructible< _Tp, _Up && >, __not_< is_convertible< _Up &&, _Tp >>>::value, bool >::type = false> constexpr propagate_const (propagate_const< _Up > &&__pu)

template<typename _Up , typename enable_if< __and_< is_constructible< _Tp, _Up && >, is_convertible< _Up &&, _Tp >, __not_< __is_propagate_const< typename decay< _Up >::type >> >::value, bool >::type = true> constexpr propagate_const (_Up &&__u)

template<typename _Up , typename enable_if< __and_< is_constructible< _Tp, _Up && >, __not_< is_convertible< _Up &&, _Tp >>, __not_< __is_propagate_const< typename decay< _Up >::type >> >::value, bool >::type = false> constexpr propagate_const (_Up &&__u)

constexpr const element_type * get () const

constexpr element_type * get ()

constexpr operator bool () const

template<typename _Up = _Tp, typename enable_if< __or_< is_pointer< _Up >, is_convertible< _Up, const element_type * > >::value, bool >::type = true> constexpr operator const element_type * () const

template<typename _Up = _Tp, typename enable_if< __or_< is_pointer< _Up >, is_convertible< _Up, const element_type * > >::value, bool >::type = true> constexpr operator element_type * ()

constexpr const element_type & operator* () const

constexpr element_type & operator* ()

constexpr const element_type * operator-> () const

constexpr element_type * operator-> ()

propagate_const & operator= (const propagate_const &__p)=delete

constexpr propagate_const & operator= (propagate_const &&__p)=default

template<typename _Up , typename = typename enable_if<is_convertible<_Up&&, _Tp>::value>::type> constexpr propagate_const & operator= (propagate_const< _Up > &&__pu)

template<typename _Up , typename = typename enable_if<__and_<is_convertible<_Up&&, _Tp>,       __not_<__is_propagate_const< typename decay<_Up>::type>> >::value>::type> constexpr propagate_const & operator= (_Up &&__u)

constexpr void swap (propagate_const &__pt) noexcept(__is_nothrow_swappable< _Tp >::value)


template<typename _Up > constexpr const _Up & get_underlying (const propagate_const< _Up > &__pt) noexcept

template<typename _Up > constexpr _Up & get_underlying (propagate_const< _Up > &__pt) noexcept

Detailed Description

template<typename _Tp>

class std::experimental::propagate_const< _Tp >" Const-propagating wrapper.

Definition at line 62 of file propagate_const.


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