sxls(1) list available volumes and their contents


sxls [,OPTIONS/]... ,sx:///[,profile@/],cluster/[,/volume/[,/path/]]...


List information about the volumes available in the cluster (when called without a volume name) or contents of a particular volume.


-h, --help
Print help and exit
Print help, including hidden options, and exit
-V, --version
Print version and exit
-r, --recursive
Recursively list entire directories
-l, --long-format
Use a long listing format. This provides additional information about volumes (such as the replica number, active filter, current usage or the size limit) and files (modification time and size).
-H, --human-readable
Convert all sizes to an easily readable format
-D, --debug
Enable debug messages
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose errors
Separate file names with \0 instead of \n
-c, --config-dir=,PATH/
Path to the SX configuration directory (default: ~/.sx)
-f, --filter-dir=,PATH/
Path to the SX filter directory (default: /usr/lib/sxclient)


To list all volumes, which you can access on 'cluster' run:
sxls -l sx://cluster

To recursively list the contents of the volume 'data' run:
sxls -r sx://cluster/data