ucimf is an input method framework designed for Linux unicode console.
• Support UTF-8
• Support OpenVanilla Modules
• Support PCF, TrueType Font
• Provide OverSpot style compose window
• Provide C/C++ API
Framebuffer mode is needed.
You can add "vga=XXX" to LILO, GRUB, or other bootloaders to let the kernel
start with proper framebuffer mode automatically.
vga=785 (640x480, 16 ), vga=788 (800x600, 16 ), vga=791 (1024x768, 16 ),
vga=794 (1280x1024, 16 )
ucimf needs to run under an UTF-8 consle environment, please use locale -a to see the UTF-8 locales that your system is supported and use command like export LC_ALL=zh_CN.UTF-8 to set up the locale.To start ucimf with FbTerm, prefer to install fbterm-ucimf package and run fbterm -i fbterm_ucimf, or see ucimf_start(1) as an not-recommended alternate.
When the user is running an FbTerm, key combination Ctrl+Space is
the switch of enable/disable the input method, Ctrl+ShiftLeft to
switch to next input method, and Ctrl+ShiftRight to switch to next input
method framework.
For jfbterm, F12 is the switch of enable/disable the input method,
F11 to switch to next input method, and F10 to next input method
If the user wishes to use Ctrl+Space and Ctrl+ShiftLeft under jfbterm, please use ucimf_keyboard, which maps Ctrl+Space to F12, and Ctrl+ShiftLeft to F11.
ucimf use standard *.cin files directly to manage its input method tables, per-user input method tables is put in~/.openvanilla/OVIMGeneric/.
Installing or removing a table is simply copy or remove a file in that directory.
The order of loading table is managed by the name of the table files, for exaple
you can name your tables like this:
01_xxx.cin, 02_xyz.cin, 03_aaa.cin, ...
ucimf will follow this order while loading input method tables.
LC_CTYPE - use UTF-8 as to recogize characters. For example:export LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.UTF-8
OVMODULE_DIR - to customize OpenVanilla modules location at run-time.
For example:
export OVMODULE_DIR=/usr/lib/openvanilla/
libucimf was written by Chun-Yu Lee (Mat) <[email protected]> and Jim Huang <[email protected]>.This manual page was written by Aron Xu <[email protected]>, for the Debian project (and may be used by others).