vor(6) fast-pace, difficult and addictive rocks dodging game


vor [options]


This is a fairly hard game, intended to be a quickie game for when you want to kill a few spare minutes. The most important thing is to tap the keys very gently! Overcontrolling is the leading cause of death among new rockdodgers!

Move with the cursor keys (up, down, right, left) and avoid the meteorites


-f, --full-screen
-s, --silent
No explosion sounds or music
-V, --version
Print program version
-?, --help
Print an help message


vor was written by:

Jason Woofenden <[email protected]>

Joshua Grams <[email protected]>

Forked from Space Rocks, Paul Holt <[email protected]>

This manual page was written by Davide Governale <[email protected]>, for the Debian project (and may be used by others).