xeno-load(1) Executes applications that use Xenomai libraries and kernel modules


xeno-load [--verbose] [[directory:]target] [--] [args] ...
xeno-load --help


xeno-load is a script that is used to load and execute an application that uses Xenomai, and load and unload the required kernel modules. The application is executed according to information contained in the .runinfo configuration file found in the specified directory. If no directory is specified on the command line, the current working directory is used by default to look for the .runinfo file.

A .runinfo file can define several execution targets. The target which name is specified in target is used to execute the application. If no target name is specified, the default target is executed. The first target defined in the .runinfo file is the default target, regardless of its name.

A target in a .runinfo file specifies modules to load / unload, and commands to execute. Commands may be executed as root using sudo(8), and/or executed as background jobs, depending on target specifications. The optional args arguments passed to xeno-load are passed to the executed commands (see description about exec and spawn actions in runinfo(5)).

If xeno-load receives a SIGINT signal (e.g. the user typed CONTROL-C) while executing a target, it unloads all modules it has loaded, terminates all commands it has started (by sending SIGINT signals), and then terminates.

See runinfo(5) for more information about the format of .runinfo files.


Outputs trace messages on the standard output, when (un)loading Xenomai's kernel modules, and when executing the application.
Outputs a command-line syntax help text and exits.
Indicates the end of options. This is useful when no [directory:]target has been specified, in order for the first argument in args not to be considered as the target name.


Successful script execution, i.e. either the --help option has been specified, or the application has been correctly executed.
No .runinfo file was found in the specified directory (or in the current directory if no directory was specified), or the default target is to be executed but no target is defined in the .runinfo file, or no target with the specified target name can be found in the .runinfo file.

