libzip (-lzip)SYNOPSIS
#include <zip.h>int
- zip_close(zip_t *archive);
To close a zip file without saving changes, use zip_discard(3).
Upon successful completion 0 is returned. Otherwise, -1 is returned and the error code in archive is set to indicate the error.ERRORS
zip_close() will fail if:- [ZIP_ER_EOF]
- Unexpected end-of-file found while reading from a file.
- The callback function of an added or replaced file returned an error but failed to report which.
- The path argument is NULL.
- Required memory could not be allocated.
- File is not a zip archive.
- A file read failed.
- A temporary file could not be renamed to its final name.
- A file seek failed.
- A temporary file could not be created.
- A file write failed.
- An error occurred while (de)compressing a stream with zlib(3).
Additionally, any errors returned by the callback function for added or replaced files will be passed back.