libzip (-lzip)SYNOPSIS
zip_source_t *- zip_source_filep(zip_t *archive, FILE *file, zip_uint64_t start, zip_int64_t len);
zip_source_t *
- zip_source_filep(FILE *file, zip_uint64_t start, zip_int64_t len, zip_error_t *error);
If the file stream supports seeking, the source can be used to open a read-only zip archive from.
The file stream is closed when the source is being freed, usually by zip_close(3).
Upon successful completion, the created source is returned. Otherwise, NULL is returned and the error code in archive or error is set to indicate the error.ERRORS
zip_source_filep() fails if:- [ZIP_ER_INVAL]
- file, start, or len are invalid.
- Required memory could not be allocated.