lsroll(1) List the rollrecs in a DNSSEC-Tools rollrec file


lsroll [options] <rollrec-files>


This script lists the contents of the specified rollrec files. All rollrec files are loaded before the output is displayed. If any rollrecs have duplicated names, whether within one file or across multiple files, the later rollrec will be the one whose data are displayed.


The output displayed for each zone in a rollrec file depends on the selected records, the selected attributes, and the selected output format. Each option in these option groups is described in detail in the next section. The three base output formats, along with the default -skip format, are described here.

The -terse option indicates that a minimal amount of output is desired; the -long option indicates that a great deal of output is desired. The record-selection and attribute-selection options may be used in conjunction with -terse to display exactly the set of rollrec fields needed.

The default output format is that used when neither -terse nor -long is given, and is a middle ground between terse and long output.

If the -skip option is given, then the default output format is a little more restricted than the normal default. Some rollrec fields don't make sense in the context of a skip records, and so are given as ``---''. These fields are the KSK rollover phase, the ZSK rollover phase, the TTL value, and the phase start.

The table below shows the fields displayed for each output format.

    rollrec field        default        terse        long       skip
    -------------        -------        -----        ----       ----
    rollrec name           yes           yes         yes        yes
    rollrec type           no            no          yes        no
    zonename               no            no          yes        yes
    zone file              yes           no          yes        yes
    zonegroup              no            no          yes        no
    keyrec file            yes           no          yes        yes
    KSK phase              yes           no          yes        no
    ZSK phase              yes           no          yes        no
    administrator          no            no          yes        no
    directory              no            no          yes        no
    logging level          no            no          yes        no
    TTL value              no            no          yes        no
    display flag           no            no          yes        no
    phase start            no            no          yes        no
    last KSK rollover      no            no          yes        no
    last ZSK rollover      no            no          yes        no
    zonesigner arguments   no            no          yes        no

The rollrec name field is often the same as its zonename, but this is not necessarily the case. The rollrec name can contain spaces, while the zonename can't. For this reason, lsroll displays the rollrec name in quotes, even if the name contains no spaces. This is intended to allow for easier parsing by other programs.

If the -info option is given, then the special info rollrec record will be displayed. If the rollrec file has this informational record, notated by having the name info rollrec, then the contents of the <info rollrec> record will be printed. If multiple rollrec files are given on the command line, then the info rollrec records for each file will be prefixed with the rollrec file's name.


There are three types of options recognized by lsroll: record-selection options, attribute-selection options, and output-format options. Each type is described in the subsections below.

Record-selection Options

These options select the records that will be displayed by lsroll. By default, all records will be displayed; selecting one or the other of these options will restrict the records shown.

In order to simplify the lsroll code and keep it easily understandable, these options are mutually exclusive.

List all ``roll'' records in the rollrec file.
List all ``skip'' records in the rollrec file.
List all the fields in the rollrec file's ``info'' record.

Attribute-selection Options

These options select the attributes of the records that will be displayed by lsroll.
Include each rollrec record's type in the output. The type will be either ``roll'' or ``skip''.
The record's zonename is included in the output. The zonename is distinct from the record's rollrec name, which is always included in the output. While these two fields are often the same, they need not be. In split-zone zones, the rollrec names must be different, while the zonename field is the same.
The record's zonefile is included in the output. This field is part of the default output.
The record's zonegroup is included in the output, enclosed in double quotes. If a rollrec entry does not contain a zonegroup, then the value "" is given. If a record's zonegroup contains leading or trailing whitespace, it will be deleted from the output.
The record's keyrec file is included in the output. This field is part of the default output.
The record's KSK rollover phase are included in the output. If this option is given with the -zskphase option, then the output will follow the format described for the -phases option. This field is part of the default output.
The record's ZSK rollover phase are included in the output. If this option is given with the -kskphase option, then the output will follow the format described for the -phases option. This field is part of the default output.
The record's KSK and ZSK rollover phases are included in the output. The listing is given with the KSK phase first, followed by the ZSK phase.

Examples of output from this option are:

    KSK phase   ZSK phase       output
        0           0            0/0
        3           0            3/0
        0           5            0/5
The record's administrator value is included in the output. If an administrator value is not included in a rollrec, then the value ``(defadmin)'' will be given.
The name of the directory that holds the zone's files is included in the output. If a zone directory is not included in a rollrec, then the value ``(defdir)'' will be given.
The rollerd logging level for this zone. This value may be given in the rollrec file in either the textual or numeric form. The textual form of the logging level will be displayed, not the numeric. If a logging level value is not included in a rollrec, then the value ``(deflog)'' will be given. If an undefined logging level value is included in a rollrec, then the value ``(unknownlog)'' will be given.
The record's TTL value is included in the output.
The record's display flag, used by blinkenlights, is included in the output.
The record's rollover phase is included in the output. If no rollover has yet been performed for this zone, an empty date is given.
The record's last KSK rollover date is included in the output. If no KSK rollover has yet been performed for this zone, an empty date is given.
The record's last ZSK rollover date is included in the output. If no ZSK rollover has yet been performed for this zone, an empty date is given.
The record's user-defined zonesigner arguments are included in the output. If no arguments have been set for this zone, then the value ``(none)'' is given.
The zonegroups defined in the rollrec are listed, enclosed in double quotes. All other rollrec fields are ignored. If the -long option is specified, then each zonegroup name will be accompanied by the number of rollrec entries in that zonegroup.

Output-format Options

These options select the type of output that will be given by lsroll.
Only a count of matching keyrecs in the rollrec file is given.
Display explanatory column headers.
Terse output is given. Only the record name and any other fields specifically selected are included in the output.
Long output is given. All record fields are included.
Display a usage message.
Displays the version information for lsroll and the DNSSEC-Tools package.


Copyright 2005-2014 SPARTA, Inc. All rights reserved. See the COPYING file included with the DNSSEC-Tools package for details.


Wayne Morrison, [email protected]